Been taking advantage of this extra time on my hands (see below entry) to meditate on a few things. Like what I've been reading in "The Divine Conspiracy" by Dallas Willard. It's about getting back to focus on the Kingdom of God, not on our small selves, our troubles. But really walking in faith with Jesus, that He will take care of us despite our temporary troubles and weakness. It's been a good reminder for me that God is in control and that I need to be continually focused on Him, on His Kingdom. I need to let go of my worries and trust in God's provision. Trusting that He will provide me with finances for this year, for new friends and a 'family' in Marseille, for the ability to continue to learn French, etc etc.
Here are some quotes from "The Divine Conspiracy":
"Because we have the option, in reliance upon Jesus, of having abudant treasure in the realm of the heavens, Jesus gives us another of his 'therefores'. 'Therefore, don't be anxious for your physical existence, concerning what you will have to eat or drink, or how you will clothe your body' (Matthew 6:25). Life is not about food, he continues to say, nor the body about clothes. It is about a place in God's immortal kingdom now.
Jesus reminds us to look at living things around us in nature. In particular he refers us to birds and wildflowers. What is most relevant about the birds is that they do not 'lay up treasures upon earth'. They receive from their world, under God, daily food for daily needs. When we watch them we are reminded of the phrase in the Lord's Prayer. 'Give us today the food we need for today.'
Our feathered friends do not seem to worry about the physical supports of their life, such as food and water and shelter. They simply seek it as they need it and take what they find. And that is how we should be. Having our treasures in heaven frees us to live simply in the present so far as our vital needs are concerned.
In Matthew 10, Jesus is teaching about freedom from fear of physical death: 'Do not fear those who kill the body, but are unable to kill the soul'. For most people, perhaps, the thing they most treasure is staying alive on earth. As a result they live their entire lives in bondage to fear of physical death (Hebrews 2:15).
Two sparrows are sold for a 'penny', the smallest coin then in circulation. Yet God is watching over every one of them. And he watches you so closely that He knows how many hairs are on your head at any given moment. 'Don't be afraid, you are of greater value than several sparrows'. (Matthew 10:31) 'How much more valuable you are than birds.' (Luke 12:24)"
Well, I need to continually be reminded that God does indeed care for me and will indeed supply my needs. The birds singing outside my window should remind me of these truths every morning!