This Weekend
Things I Enjoyed This Weekend
*the crescent moon shining in my family room window
*watching the movie "A Shark's Tale"
*eating Swiss Chocolate (courtesy of a Swiss group visiting our church)
*eating brussel sprouts and chocolate icecream (not together, don't be gross!)
*having a traditional Dutch lunch with friends, leisurly eating at 3:30pm and lounging in the living room for hours after
*the sound of church bells ringing as I walked to church
*the lack of traffic on Sunday morning--I could cross the street without fearing for my life
*talking on msn with few of my nieces and a nephew
Things I Did NOT Enjoy This Weekend
*shopping at the grocery store on Saturday morning, possibly the worst time to shop, too many people and too little space (and me--too little patience)
*getting woken up at 7am on Sunday morning by someone taking the garbage out
*the smell of burning leaves and branches wafting through my open windows (cough, cough, hack, hack)
*having trouble with my AOL internet connection
*still feeling tired and headachey from the flu that I had this week
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