Saturday, September 24, 2005

What a bell! I laughed in her nose!

Here’s some interesting literal translations of expressions in French.

Il a les dents longue. He has long teeth=He has his sights set high.

C’est une bonne poire. He’s a good pear=He’s a real sucker.

C’est une cloche! She’s a bell=What an idiot !

Je vais sécher mes cours. I’m going to dry my classes=I’m going to cut my classes.

Il a une dent contre moi. He has a tooth against me=He has a grudge against me.

C’est ma bête noire. It’s my black beast=It’s my pet peeve.

Cela ne rime à rien. That doesn’t rhyme with anything=There’s no point to that.

Ils m’ont ri au nez. They laughed in my nose=They laughed in my face.

Quelle mouche t’a pique? Which fly stung you=What’s eating you?

J’ai un petit creux. I have a little hollow spot=I’m a little hungry.

So, my friend…which fly stung you? Did someone call you a bell or laugh in your nose? Well don't have a tooth against them. That's one of my black beasts! That doesn't rhyme with anything. Have long teeth. Remember he's a good pear! Come on, I have a little hollow spot. Let's dry our classes and get some lunch...


At 6:58 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love it Jen, thanks for the excellent french lesson today!! Keep up the studying girl,


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