Maple Leaf

Last night Marseille had a huge electrical storm with lots of lightning and thunder. So much so it shook the window panes and kept me awake even after I closed the shutters. It poured rain for almost ah hour. In the morning everything smelled fresh and clean. On my way to work I noticed that a lot of the leaves had fallen, due to the rain and wind of the storm. And to my surprise I saw a lot of Maple leaf shaped leaves on the sidewalk as I walked along. It brought a smile to my face as I walked to work. Just a little gift for me on a homesick day to be reminded of Canada--the land of the maple leaf.
Here are some quotes about Canada that made me laugh...
"The geography everywhere is unforgiving; to survive is an achievementt...Canadians at bus stops exchange looks of pure pleasure: they are fiesty; they are invincible; they can take it." June Callwood, Canadian writer.
"You know what a Canadian is, don't ya? A Canadian is an unarmed American with a health plan." Brad Green, Canadian humorist
"The Eskimo has 52 words for snow because it is important to them. There ought to be as many for love." Margaret Attwood, Canadian writer
"I am rather inclined to believe that this is the land that God gave to Cain." Jacques Cartier, French explorer
"Canada was formed just after the end of the last Ice Age, after which things slowed down." Eric Nichol, Canadian columnist
"In Canada there are 9 months of winter and 3 months of road repair." Peter Hansen, Canadian writer
"Canada is a country whose main exports are cold fronts and hockey." Pierre Elliot Trudeau, former Prime Minister
"Canada has never been a melting pot. It's more like tossed salad." Arnold Edinborough, Canadian art critic
"Edmonton isn't really the end of the world. Although you can see it from there." Ralph Klein, mayor of Calgary, Premier of Alberta
"No cities with the possible exception of Sodom and Gomorrah have ever been founded in less congenial physical surroundigs than Regina, the Queen City of Saskatchewan." Edward McCourt, Canadian writer
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