Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Blue day turned bright

Today was a blue day. You know, one of those days when nothing goes right, you feel like an idiot, and you just want to crawl under a rock. When you feel sad, blue and want to find a quiet corner to cry and/or eat a whole chocolate bar in one sitting. Yeah, that was today. I'm still adjusting to working in my new office. There's so much to learn and I feel like I don't quite fit in yet. Don't get me wrong though, my coworkers are very friendly and helpful...its just that I don't know the inside jokes, the history, and the "way things work". YET. I've only been here 3 weeks so I have to give myself a break.
Today was especially frustrating and hard. Last week I ordered a bunch of office supplies and when they arrived, the order was doubled. So I had to ask my supervisor to phone them and ask them if we could return the other half. Then I found out that I ordered some things that weren't in "my department", things that needed to be "OK'd" before ordering. Then someone else told me that I should have bought some of the things at another place because it would have been cheaper. Yeah, so I didn't feel real encouraged. I know they were meaning well, trying to help but by the end of the day I felt like I couldn't do anything right. Then I took my turn answering the phone, which turned out to be a nightmare in itself. I kept hanging up on people, not knowing how to transfer calls, and then the batteries died on the portable. Lovely! After getting 3 people to show me how to use the system, I think I have it down now.
But the day did end on a bright note, a couple coworkers shared a joke with me (in French), and I understood it and had a comeback of my own. Then I went to a Tabac, a magazine/card store to buy a metro pass. He didn't have any but I ended up having a little conver with him and he gave me directions to the nearest shop that had passes. He even gave me a bag to carry my stuff because my other bag was full.
And yes, I did buy a chocolate bar, eating some of it on the way home (a very un-French thing to do--they never eat while walking/driving). Mmm, nothing like a dose of dark chccolate to sooth the senses. And its high in magnesium, what ever that does for you...I just got 44% of my daily intake.


At 8:00 a.m., Blogger Beth said...

I'm sure the chocolate was good for you. :) It's rude to eat snacks and walk in Thailand, although I do occasionally see people doing it. And I have to confess that I've done it as well... And I totally understand about having blue days.


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