Monday, July 10, 2006

We are NOT the champions

France lost the World Cup. I watched the big game last night. Not only did they lost, but the captain, the big star from Marseille, Zinedine Zidane, lost his temper and headbutted another player in the chest. Zidane was then expelled from the game, missing the last few minutes, plus 2 overtimes, then the kick-off. That was his last game of his career, not exactly a stellar end.

I was reminded of my desire to end well here, to finish my projects, to tie up loose ends, but also to go the extra mile, to say proper goodbyes and leave without regrets. Zidane, I'm sure, has regrets now, and likely wishes he could take that headbutt back. But he can't. And once I'm in Canada I don't want to look back and say, I wish.... I want to end well.

I only have 2 wks left and am starting to feel the pressure of things to do, things to see, people to hang out with, people to say goodbye to, etc. Going back to Canada is a mixed bag of emotions. On one hand I'm looking forward to being back in the land of the Maple Leaf, to speak Canadian again, heck, to speak English again. I miss my family. And I want to meet my new great nephew. I want to go camping with my family, celebrate the end of my mom's cancer treatments, and enjoy the summer in Saskatchewan.

The other hand though, I'm sad to leave. I've made some really good friends here. I like my job. I like France, I like Marseille. (I have my moments when I don't so much, but they usually pass!) I'm thinking of all the things that I will miss here...the blue sky, the flowers, the markets, French music, fresh fruit, pretty jewelry, museums, beaches, the old port, chocolate, mint tea, soccer, petanque, lavendar, mango yogurt, croissants and pain au chocolat, French movies, reading the paper in French, cheese, nutella, French church, living in my own flat, the passion of the French people, chatting with people at the bus stop, seafood, endless sunshine, spring songbirds, kids playing in my neighborhood park, standing in line at the postoffice for 25 mins to send a letter, provencale fabric, cool sea breezes, stained glass windows in churches, the sound of shutters opening in the morning, the French greeting (an "air" kiss on each cheek).

Time to start packing, making decisions about what gets left behind, and if there's still room then I'll buy some souvenirs or chocolate. Time to start cleaning out the cupboard, freezer and fridge. Time to start saying goodbye. Again.


At 3:54 p.m., Blogger Beth said...

Praying for you Jen.


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