Friday, June 09, 2006

The Fountain of Aix-en-Provence

This is the main fountain of the city Aix-en-Provence (or Aix, pronounced "X"). There is this large one at the head of the main street of the old part of town, then down the street in a line are 3 others. You'll have to click on the pictures link on the right to see the rest!
Aix is known for its fountains. Each fountain has different history and a different purpose, including water temperature--one is cold, one warm. One was used to water cattle, one is just pretty to look at.
Here's some info I got from
The fountains of the Cours Mirabeau Built in 1691 by Laurent Vallon, the Fountain of the Nine Cannons replaces a watering fountain, a place where herds would be brought to drink as they migrated, before the Cours was constructed. The vegetation, invading little by little, makes it difficult to recognise the sculptures. A little further on, the Fountain of Hot Water (the picture of the fountain with green moss) so called "Moussue" because of the moss that covers it, is the very fountain from which the hot waters of the Bagniers spring flow. At the top of the Cours Mirabeau is the Fountain of King Rene (the picture of the fountain with the statue of a man), designed in 1819 by Pierre-Henri Revoil. The statue which adorns it is a work by David D'Angers.
But the most imposing is without doubt the Rotunda fountain. Its construction in 1860 marks a turning point; not only are its dimensions exceptional for this city but it is also the first to have a fonted basin. Three statues: Justice, Agriculture and Fine Arts adorn the fountain and recall the main activities of this town. In effect the fountain was a symbolic mark of the entry to the modern town, without rampart nor gate, open to the world. Aix has grown now and today the "great Fountain" is at the centre of the town. (pictured below)

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