Thursday, June 08, 2006

Home grown

Home grown terrorists in Canada. As a Canadian living overseas the ripples of news in Canada trickles into France in a very limited amount. But to have 17 people arrested in southern Ontario (most of them Canadian citizens) on terrorist charges, planning to take over the Parliament and behead the PM…well, that makes news. Even over here. Even before World Cup soccer.
I first heard about this via CBC news website. I can’t say that I was shocked or surprised. In a way I feel very insulated from this nationwide shock of this news story. Perhaps its because I was in Europe during the London bombings last year, in London within a week of the second bombing attack. In time to see police in riot gear, with automatic weapons at the ready, calmly walking past major landmarks in London. Perhaps its because I’ve travelled in countries where people “disappear” or are silenced for their beliefs, their opinions, their actions. Places where the common people are instilled with such a sense of fear that even I as a foreigner could feel. Perhaps because I’ve read too many news briefs and emails about co-workers living in bombed out parts of cities, some escaping within a half city block of a major terrorist bomb attack.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m not surprised that this has happened in Canada. I’m actually more surprised that the police were able to catch them BEFORE they put their plans into action.
In my opinion, Canadians in general need to wake up and realize that just because you have Canadian citizenship; does not exclude you from the fact that terrorism is worldwide, that evil, fear and hatred can live and breed just as easily in Canada as in any other corner of the world. We are not exempt. But we need not live in fear. Nor should we spread evil, fear and hatred by acts of retaliation, racism and discrimination. When I return to Canada next month, I want to return to “the true North, strong and free”. And I truly pray “God keep our land strong and free.”


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