Monday, June 19, 2006

On the way to work, again

I pass this house on my way to work, it's constructed from stacked field stones. You'll have to click on the photo to see the detail up closer. Apparently in this area, there wasn't much good wood to build with. But there was plenty of stones, so the clever peasants and farmers built homes, barns, storage sheds, etc out of stone. Cool in the summer. Freezing cold in the winter. I think these are called Freesia. Not sure but they are blooming all over the city now. The seasons come and go for flowers... and now the lavender is blooming. I hope I can get out into the country to see the lavender fields before I leave! Posted by Picasa This is Mimosa, no longer in bloom here, but my favorite so far. It smells so sweet too!


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