There and back again

Walking to work has its benefits. And excitement. I passed an accident scene on my way to work this week. Complete with 2 “flics” (cops) taking witness accounts, 2 banged up vehicles and a “pompier” (fire truck, which actually works like an ambulance, it’s equipped with paramedics and emergency responders plus they fight fires too.)
I pass two construction sites on my way to work. They’re building a new metro stop along my walk. There are a few cranes, and lots of trucks and heavy equipment. Plus lots of grit and dust…cough, cough, sneeze. Great for my allergies, especially on a windy day when it all blows into my apartment.
I passed this motorcycle on my way to the office. Strange sign in itself since this is such a secular country. Religious declarations like this (of any religion) are generally frowned upon. But this is even more strange because it’s in English. "Jesus is Lord God and Savior". Well said, and true!
And I have another weird thing to add to the contest of weird and wonderful things I’ve seen on my way to work. Last week I saw a lady holding a plastic garbage bag, she reached her hand in, took out a couple handfuls of rice, and then proceeded to sprinkle the rice all around the base of a streetlight post. I was too far away to ask her what the heck she was doing. And days later, the rice is still there. Gross. People are strange.
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