Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I've Landed

I don't even really know what to write. I'm in Canada now. Let's start with that. July 23rd I flew out of Marseille and landed in Toronto to spend a week at a conference, just outside of Cambridge, ON. Was a great time of reconnecting with coworkers and my home office team. I really enjoyed meeting people that I've only heard about or written emails to. Our Canadian team is big and widely spread out across the globe so it was awesome to get about 45 of us in one place for a few days. Plus I really enjoyed being in nature, green grass, tall trees, butterflies, rabbits, robins, and...mosquitoes. Had a bonfire, roasted marshmellows, went for walks, and even got to sleep in somewhat. Then on the 27th I caught a ride to Toronto Pearson airport and spent most of the afternoon in the Air Canada lounge. Big thanks to my coworkers/friends T & K! It was so SWEET. 2 big screen TV's, wireless internet, unlimited salad bar, soups, drinks (hot and cold), magazines to read, comfy couches to sleep on. If I could travel like this all the time...wow.
Then I landed in Regina in the evening, ordered some take out, drove to the nearest city park to enjoy the sunset, supper and a walk around the lake. By then I was ready to head home to my parents place. Overwhelming to be able to hug my parents again.
These past few weeks have been a blur of packing, unpacking, moving, flying, camping, tenting, shopping, and sleeping. I'm getting over yet another cold, and jetlag is still messing me up. I fell asleep while reading this afternoon, woke up an hour later.
I feel like I'm in some sort of drop zone, or a black hole. I don't really fit in anywhere. Yet. I have no place of my own. Yet. I don't really know what I'm supposed to be doing. Yet. I'm worried about my finances, buying a vehicle, renting a place. Where should I live? What car should I buy? Should I continue in the job I'm doing or should I opt for something better paying? So many questions. I'm trying not to stress. There are so many decisions that I have to make soon. I need wisdom, patience and peace. I'll keep you updated on the progress of my re-entry into Canadian life.
Some highlights since I've been back:
*iced cap from Tim Horton's
*hugging my parents
*holding my great nephew
*hanging out with my family for August long weekend on a houseboat on Lake Defenbaker
*watching hummingbirds in my mom's garden
*riding a horse
*eating a smore on a beach
*getting to watch TV in English
*seeing baby rabbits
*enjoying a SK thunderstorm
It's good to be back. But I am missing Marseille too. I feel caught between two worlds!


At 5:27 p.m., Blogger WAUGDAI said...

Welcome Home! haha. The Harris Inn is pretty upscale, but the availabilty is great and for you... for you it's always a steal! haha


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