Monday, October 16, 2006

Let it SNOW?

It's snowing here right now. Big wet flakes. It's only about 3 below C but I have no desire to brave the elements and play outside in the snow. Having missed 2 Canadian Prairie winters in a row I'm not sure how I will survive this upcoming season. I'm already overdosing on hot chocolate, tea and any other hot beverage available. I'm wearing winter socks, sweaters and even had to wear my terry cloth housecoat OVER my clothes just so I could warm up. I also have taken to wearing gloves and a toque in the evening when I go walking. I need to toughen up or I'll never be able to leave the house for the next 5 months, until spring.
On another topic, I'm struggling a lot with dissapointment right now. In myself, in others, generally in life. I'm dissapointed that I didn't end up in Africa like I had planned, instead I'm back in SK, quite a ways away from my lofty plans of working in a clinic in North Africa. So many things went wrong, when previously every thing was lining up and running smoothly. Sometimes I wonder if it was just not meant to be, that maybe I didn't have it in me to do that kind of work. Perhaps that's why I ended up right back where I started.
I'm also disappointed in myself that I didn't conquer the French language. I have to give myself some credit, I did do pretty well after only 6 months of training. But I still got tongue-tied and stuttering when it came to speaking French. And now that I've been back in Canada, I'm losing what little I had mastered. Was all of that studying just a waste?
I guess this is just a bit of the emotions that come with re-entry, coming home from overseas, etc. I feel out of place, a bit like I'm stuck between two realities. I'm waiting for one part of my life to close up (France) so that another can open (Canada). I'm waiting to find a part-time or full-time job nearby so I can figure out my schedule. I'm waiting for the season to change, so I can move on.
I've never really liked this time of year, when a rainy day can turn to freezing rain to a snow blizzard in a few hours. At least when it's winter, you know what to expect...but when its in between fall and never know what the weather will do.
In a sense I feel like that. Not knowing what to expect, not knowing what to prepare for, not knowing what's around the corner. And since I'm struggling with these dissapointments, it just makes it a bit harder to pluck up the energy and optimism to prepare and plan for what life is going to throw me next.
This isn't where I thought I'd be just a short year ago. This isn't what I thought I'd be doing, or where I'd be living. But I'm learning to deal with it, to roll with the waves, and maybe someday even enjoy the "unknowness" that comes with change. I'm leaning on the fact that God does have a plan, that He is in control, that He does love me and that He will provide. That much is certain in this uncertain season.


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