Friday, October 21, 2005

A Surprise Visit

Its a small world. I had lunch today with someone I met 4 years ago. She and I used to work for the same company and she's now living in Europe. She's in Marseille visiting friends so we got together to catch up. It was really encouraging for me. For one, she validated my concerns and frustrations about learning French. She listened and encouraged and gave me some helpful tips on how to continue. She also said that it is normal to feel like you'll never be fluent, that you'll never get the language. She's now learning her 3rd language and says its such a slow and painful process for her--like its been feeling for me. It felt good to hear her feedback of how she is learnt languages. We both laughed and agreed that neither of us are gifted in language learning. And yet here we are...learning, slowly but surely. I'm thankful that we were able to get together, laugh at ourselves and realize in the end...all that matters is that we continue, day by day, to do what God asked us to do. Learn a foreign language and live in a foreign culture. And not take ourselves too seriously.


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