Monday, February 27, 2006

Signs I've Been in France for A While

*I automatcially say hi or good evening to the owner/cashier of the stores I enter. And of course, say good bye as I leave.
*I don't smile at strangers or smile in public. (It's seen as being "up to something" and leads to mistrust.)
*I've stopped looking for the English side on labels on food items.
*Standing in line for less than 10 minutes is a nice surprise.
*I automatically dodge the dog poop on the sidewalk.
*I cross the street with confidence, no longer afraid that the cars will hit me. They'll come close, but they always stop.
*The sound of the city doesn't wake me up at night.
*I have my favourite selection of cheeses and chocolates.
*I freak out when I hear that it will get to -1 C below at night. Why did I send my winter clothes home already!


At 7:25 a.m., Blogger Faithful Joy said...

What are you saying? You can't smile in public? Man would I be in TROUBLE! How long did it take for you to adjust to that?

Thanks for the note on my blog, by the way. Very encouraging!

Love ya!

At 4:06 a.m., Blogger Beth said...

I can't smile at men or basically acknowledge them in public (strangers). To encourage them in ANY way is... dangerous. You'd kind of be seen as promiscuous and you'd be indicating that these guys have a chance with you. And if you do see a guy that you know in public, you're really not supposed to spend one-on-one time with him so have a quick conversation and move on - unless there's a 3rd person and then that's okay.

Wish I had the cheeses and chocolates you have!!

At 4:54 p.m., Blogger Jen said...

Yep if I was walking down the street smiling at strangers, they'd think I was flirting, plotting something, or "special". I've practiced what they call "the funeral face" which basically is a non-smiling expression, void of emotion, giving the aura of being uninterested in anything except what is directly around you.


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