Memorial to Tea June

This is the Heo family, cute aren't they? I was at the same language school with them. Have lots of fond memories of this family. They're Korean and were living in Africa. Tea June (husband) was a pastor/church leader. I say "was" because Tea June died in a car accident last week, leaving behind his 3 year old daughter and his wife Youn Suk, 2 months pregnant with their 2nd child.
Tea June was one of the most generous people I ever met, his laugh was infectious, as was his love for God. He was always ready to pray, to sing or to just chat and check to see how you were doing. A random memory: he had a cow shaped pencil case that he took to class with him every day. I can still see his grinning face, saying "Bonjoo". He will be missed. Greatly. But it is a comfort that he is in heaven, and that we will one day get to see him again. Perhaps with his cow shaped pencil case. : )
I've had time to deal with the fact that he's gone, that his family is grieving, and none of us can be there to comfort the girls. It seems so many of my friends are scattered around the world, it's times like this that I wish we weren't so far away.
Things like this just don't make sense in my eyes. Why would a man in the prime of his life, immensely gifted, with a young family to support, be killed in such a random event as a car accident? Why? I don't know. Probably won't ever know, this side of heaven. But what I do know is that God is loving, sovereign, kind, merciful, just and always wants the best for us. He also has His timing and His plan in mind at all times. Sure I have questions, and honestly, I was angry and upset for a while after. But I can rest in knowing that God is in control, that He is love, that He will work good out of this tragedy.
One good thing is that I've been able to talk to some "old" friends from school and that we're going to try to set up a memorial in honour of Tea June, perhaps giving a donation towards the language school we all attended together. And another good thing, I've been thinking more about eternity, life after death kind of thing. Not in a morbid way. In a sense of trying to make each moment count, to make each day count for God's agenda. Because you never know when it will be the last.
So if you knew Tea June, let me know if you're interested in giving towards a memorial offering. I'll send you the details.
I'm so sorry to hear about his death Jen.
Wow, Jen. What a great way to honor your friends. And what a great sense of faith and wisdom you have shared. There are times in all of our walks where we have to face the choice of whether to accept or be offended by God's sovereignty in tough situations. Thanks for sharing your own experience honestly! God is so good to handle the whole range of emotions we bring to Him. And then He gives us the grace to accept His will. He is good.
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