
I've been reading a great book called "Telling Yourself the Truth" by William Backus and Marie Chapian.
It's all about recognizing how you talk to yourself, especially concerning the negative, self-destructive thoughts. Did you know that your thoughts can actually alter your glandular, muscular and neural behaviour? Our thoughts influence the way we feel. Our thoughts also determine (to a degree) our behaviour.
I never realized it before but I think alot of negative things about myself. I never thought anything of it until I read this book. I don't know why, but I can so easily think bad/negative things about myself but would never let anyone else put me down the way I do myself. I'd never let anyone say "You can't do anything right, Jen" and yet, I tell myself that a lot. And it's a big fat lie. So the key to this book is first hearing your own self-talk, and recognizing the lies that you tell yourself and then replacing them with Biblical truth. Backus and Chapian are both Christian counsellors with years of experience. It is based on the Bible, not manmade inventions or speculations. Each chapter has a different focus, one on anger, another on anxiety, etc.
So if you're looking for a good read, something that will help transform your thinking, your behaviour, I recommend this book. They've also written a few other books that I may read later. I just need to work on putting into practice the points that were in this book first!
I've been going through a slump lately and this book has been a help to turn around a lot of negativity that has been creeping in slowly but surely over the weeks. I need to turn to the Bible for the Truth, and to God to be reminded of the value I have in His eyes.
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