Sunday, February 05, 2006

Bus Drivers

I have a deep respect for the bus drivers of Marseille. Not only do they have to deal with insane traffic jams, insane drivers (mostly moped and motorcyclists), there is so much construction going on downtown, they have to weave in and out of contruction zones, pylons, barriers, illegally parked cars (because there is NO parking downtown). Today on the way home from the movies, we were trying to get in between one of the construction barriers and a parked car. The driver hadn't left enough room for the bus to get by. But our bus driver, determined man that he was, decided to inch past them anyways. People saw his attempt, came running to help move the barrier on our left (which he was scraping past). Then the highlight of the whole fiasco, the driver of the car on our right, came running, laid on the hood of her car, and squeezed her hand in between the bus and her car in order to save her driver side mirror. She laid on the hood as we continued to inch past, and she kept the mirror bent in enough so we could pass. Frankly, I wouldn't have risked my hand for a car mirror, but she was obviously fond of her car. Hopefully she learned her lesson not to park like that again. And all this happened without anyone swearing, losing there tempers, or rude hand gestures. Amazing.


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