Thursday, March 09, 2006

Signs of Spring

Today on my walk to work:
I heard spring song birds.
I smelt fresh green grass being mowed.
I felt the warm sun and cool breeze.
I saw a group of young school kids planting trees in the park (school trip--kinda scary/funny to see 6 years olds with shovels and pick axes. They were well supervised but it looked like a miniature chain gang.)
I didn't taste anything, except maybe some dust and dried leaves blown around by the wind.


At 12:27 a.m., Blogger Jessica said...

Hi Jen Jen...


I thought a lovely reminiscent chorus of the 'do somethings' would remind you of your friend Jess. I was glad to find your blog (thanks to our beautiful Beth)...I will be checking regularly now (no pressure) to see what you are up to and your adventures in the land of the 'may oui'. Exciting times Jen...exciting times!!!

At 10:06 a.m., Blogger Beth said...

I wish I could experience some spring weather. Life here just keeps getting hotter and hotter and hotter and hotter...

Today on my way to school:
I heard a teacher at the school beside my house sing off key over the loud speaker like she does every morning.
I smelt a sewer-like smell from somewhere.
I felt the breeze blow at me like a furnace. (The breeze that only existed because I was riding my bike.)
I saw two new stray dogs in the area - they were kind of cute actually.
And at school today I tasted 'jok' (which is rice porridge with chicken added to) the first time. 'aroy' (tasty)

If you tell me that you see tulips one day, then I'll be really jealous. :)

At 5:24 p.m., Blogger Faithful Joy said...

Spring like weather here brings out the lady bugs that didn't get killed off this winter because it wasn't COLD enough...Monday it was 20 degrees, yesterday it was 60 degrees...welcome to Ohio!


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