Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Strange Sightings

Well, folks, I've seen my share of bizarre things on my way to and from work. A couple wearing matching lilac ski pants, a little girl in a wedding dress, mini-dog dressed up in a Scottish sweater, I could go on. But I think we have a winner here! This morning, I saw 2 female peacocks, casually strutting their way through a parking lot, pecking at the asphalt every few feet, as if there was bird seed or something to eat. It's not like there was a petting zoo or anything nearby. I can't imagine where they came from, or who they belong to. But they made me stop mid-stride and I stared at them for a few minutes. Also strange, I seemed to be the only one thinking that 2 female peacocks aimlessly wandering around a busy urban parking lot was strange.
Perhaps at the end of my stay in France, I will compile all the weird and wonderful things I've seen on my walks, and then you can vote on what wins as the weirdest of the weird. Stay tuned!


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