This Week in Review
I know its neither the beginning nor the end of the week yet I feel a week in review is in order. Here are some of the highlights (or lowlights in some cases).
*my kitchen was invaded by small white crawling worms, all over my ceiling, in my cupboards (and my dried food, flours, etc). Who knew France would win the "where I found the grossest bug" contest?! My kitchen has been sprayed, bleached, aired out and put back together. Sadly, I had to throw out all flours, crackers, pudding mixes and (sigh) chocolate. No live worms for a few days. Here's hoping the war is over.
*the university and high school students all over France are protesting and rioting over a new law that was passed about hiring and firing young employees. It's getting a bit crazy, one demonstrator is in hospital in a coma. Cars and buses set on fire. Universities getting broken into and defaced. Now there is talk of other organizations and unions getting involved to back the students, to make the prime-minister revoke or change the law. More info here on BBC.
*made a bunch of homemade cards with a girlfriend. She's going to use them as thank you gifts this summer.
*ate a huge lunch to help another friend celebrate her birthday. The meal was cooked by a Moroccan lady, so it was real Moroccan tagine (stew) of lamb, almonds, prunes with fresh bread. Yum Yum!
*cleaned house and made beds for 2 guests staying the weekend with me. And cooked a huge roaster of chicken stew for a group of people at the office attending a conference. The stew passes inspection because I had a bowl for supper. Just call me Martha (as in Martha Stewart.)
*listening to the audio book "Eragon" by Christopher Paolini. Great adventure filled with dragons, battles, elves, and intrigue. Can't believe it was written by a teenager. Has a Lord of the Rings feel to it. Just found out it's actually the first in a trilogy. Just like LOR. Hmm. I LOVE audio books, I've been able to clean my kitchen, kill bugs, and dust my living room, all at the same time flying with dragons, fighting evil, and sword fighting. How cool. Multitasking at its best.
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