Thursday, November 17, 2005

BBQ From The Balconey

Wow, 2 pics of me in a row--cooking. Doesn't happen everyday, folks, that's why it's photo worthy. Who's afraid of the bird flu? Not me! Here I am, happily cooking chicken on the grill. I braved the elements (10C, with wind and darkness setting in--at just 5pm). No, really, it was cold! My ears still hurt from my walk home. I should have worn my toque (too-k, knitted winter hat.) It may not snow here, but dang! once that wind starts, it cuts you to the bone! I know, I know...winter on the Canadian prairies can't compare. But it's all relative. It's cold here...for here. Anywho...what now? I have 6 BBQ'd chicken breasts. I should make some Thai Satay. I just need some coconut milk. Posted by Picasa


At 9:37 p.m., Blogger Faithful Joy said...

I am thoroughly impressed. Look out Martha Stewart!

YAY HUMMUS! I need to learn to make it.

Thanks for the note on my blog! I'm glad we've found each other on this wild world wide web! Have a wonderful weekend...time to get back to the Ohio State vs Michigan game... GO BUCKS!


At 6:30 a.m., Blogger WAUGDAI said...

Look at you Miss Chef. Yah, don't forget those Canadian winters when you're complaining about the weather over there. Though I can't complain either compared to Saskatchewan winters. Lovin' this Chinook that's here... walking in this mild weather is amazing!!


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