Christmas Carols
What a great day! I caught a ride to church, then had lunch with friends, worked on a puzzle with them until about 4pm. Then we had a Christmas carol party! There we about 20 of us altogether, mostly Anglophones from various countries. We had song sheets and sang our favourite carols for about an hour altogtether, plus read some verses from the Gospel of Luke and Matthew about the birth of Jesus. We also had some fun songs thrown in, like Frosty the Snowman and The 12 days of Christmas (did you know there were actions to this song? The kids tried to keep up with the actions as we sang faster and faster...what a riot!)
Anyways, it was a great day, full of Christmas cheer and helped get me in the mood for Christmas (even without snow!). Lots of Christmas lights up on people's balconies, and most city streets have some sort of light display or a tree. I enjoyed the Christmas markets again yesterday, but they were a tad too busy. Not surprising as it was the 2nd last Saturday before Christmas. Oh my! I'm glad I'm done my shopping! Freedom!
Right now I'm on a bit of a chocolate/sugar high...there were sweets after our singing, and I, uh, well, I ate a few too many chocolate truffles. But man, were they worth it!
YOU?? You ate too much chocolate? Impossible. No wait. I meant to say... YOU?? You left some of the chocolate??!!
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