Saturday, June 18, 2005

Fun With French Part 1

One of the things I’ve really enjoyed as I study French, is learning idioms or expressions and how they literally translate into English. Here are few of my favourites:
1) Viande a pneus: (driving expression) literally: “meat for tires” meaning a ‘pedestrian’.
2) Poulet: literally “chicken” A common word for ‘cop’ (but don’t use it around them!)
3) Ce n’est pas tes oignons. : literally « That’s not your onions » meaning ‘mind your own business’
4) Mince! Flûte!: literally “Thin! Flute!” meaning ‘Darn! Shucks!’
5) Tomber dans les pommes: literally “To fall into the potatoes” meaning ‘to faint’
6) Il fait froid comme un canard!: literally « It’s cold like a duck !” meaning ‘It’s really cold!’
7) J’y perdes mon Latin.: literally « I lost my Latin ! » meaning “I’m confused!”
8) Casser mes pieds: literally “to break my feet” meaning ‘get on my nerves’.
9) Arriver comme un cheveu dans la soupe: literally “to arrive like a hair in the soup” meaning a unwelcome or bad timed entry/arrival
10) Tirer le linge: literally “to tear the linen” meaning ‘to fart’


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